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photo provided by: @Dmac14
photo provided by: @Dmac14

Bulldogs Advance to Sectional Finals

On Thursday, the Bulldogs scored a solid 4-1 victory over the Quakers in the first round of sectional play at Avon High School.  Hailey Blood led the team off with a quick win at the three singles position.  Then, both doubles teams of Payton Haygood/Caitlin Preda and Lily House/Kristina Petrovic put on a great display of teamwork using excellent court management as they captured both doubles points.  Morgan Bettner finished off the night with a straight set win for point #4.  The 'Dogs will travel back to Avon to meet the #5 Orioles on Friday at 5:00 p.m.  Thank you to all teammates, former players, and former parents for coming out to support the team!