Brownsburg Invite Champions

Brownsburg Invite Champions

The Girls' Varsity Tennis Team won the Brownsburg Invitational this weekend.  The Bulldogs played some nearly flawless tennis to reclaim the trophy.  In the first round against Western Boone, the 'Dogs won 5-0.  The singles' triplets of Morgan BettnerKara Mehringer, and Payton Haygood swept their opponents in straight sets.  Mehringer did not drop a game.  The doubles teams of Caitlin Preda/Kristina Petrovic and Lily House and Hailey Bloodmaintained the momentum and kept the Stars off the scoreboard. Corinne Lucas, representing the JV in her singles match, had a solid 6-0, 6-3 victory. 

In round two, the Purple Team beat Columbus East 5-0.  Again, the singles' players Bettner, Mehringer, and Haygood were victorious.  Bettner and Haygood did not drop any games. The doubles duos of Caitlin Preda and Michaela Hoffa won at the number one spot, and Lily House and Hailey Blood easily claimed the two spot.  Number one JV Katie Wamsley refused to give up a game as she cruised to a 6-0, 6-0 win. 

In the championship round, the Bulldogs beat West Lafayette Harrison 4-1.  Bettner, Mehringer, and Haygood had great performances on the day, again winning in straight sets.  The number two doubles team of Hailey Blood and Lily House finished up with another solid win to keep their day perfect.  Taylor Doehrman, at number one JV, launched an incredible comeback victory.  Both varsity and JV are back on the home courts Monday against Westfield with a 5:00 start time