Runner-up Finish for Boys' Track at Hendricks County Invite

Runner-up Finish for Boys' Track at Hendricks County Invite

The boys' track team turned in their best performance of the season last night in the county meet, outlasting rival Plainfield for the runner-up position to first place Avon. The Bulldogs were led by double county champions Wyatt Rondot and Jeremy Shupperd. Wyatt ran to victories in the 1600 m run and 3200 m run, while Jeremy jumped to first place in the high jump and hurdled to victory in the 110 m high hurdles. Other county champions for the Dogs were David LaPerle in the pole vault and Taylor Hemmert in the long jump. Awesome performances were also turned in by Justin Hays 3200 m runner up, Chris Stowers shot put third-place, Elliott Shaw 1600 m run third-place and Isaiah Hightower high jump runner-up.