Swim/Dive Visit Zionsville

Swim/Dive Visit Zionsville

By Caroline Crosby

The Brownsburg Swim/Dive teams traveled to Zionsville last night. 

The girls finsihed with the meet with at team total of 36 points. Margie Miler had two third place finishes in the 200-yard IM and the 100-yard breast stroke. The girls also had two third place finsihes in the 200-yard medley relay with a time of 1:57.44, and the 400-yard free relay with a time of 4:03.90.

The #9 ranked boys finished with a team total of 57 points. Jake Johnson finsihed first in the 50-yard free with a time of 21.75. In relays, the boys took second place in both the 200-yard free, and the 400-yard relays with times of 1:29.07 and 3:31.01. 

On the diving board, Madison Day finished in fourth place with a score of 137.75. Kale Davidson, Isaac Tweddell, and Maddox Grant combined for the top three finsihes on the boys side. 

Both Swim/Dive teams return to action Dec. 2 at home vs North Central. The meet will begin at 6PM.